Music in our Life
Music is sound arranged into pleasing or interesting
patterns. People use music to express feelings and ideas. Music also
helps to entertain and relax.
Music is one of the oldest arts. The first
written music dates from about 2500 B.C. It plays an important part in
all cultures. People use music in ceremonies, in work, and in personal
and social activities.
Nearly all peoples use music in their religious
services. Much church music creates a feeling of distance from the
daily world. Sports events, graduations, weddings, parades, and the
crowning of kings and queens also use music.
Before machines became important, people had to
do much difficult or boring work by hand. Laborers sang songs to help
to make their work seem easier. Even today, when machines are widely
used, many offices and factories provide background music for workers.
Many people perform music for their own
satisfaction. Music provides people with a way to express their
feelings. Music is also played for dancing or listening.
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3. ABC Radio
4. Radio Dhaka
5. Radio Goongoon
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2. Pagla Music
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5. Radio Goongoon
6. Other Radio station
Music Station
1. Bangla Music
2. BD Bangla
3. Murchana Download Music
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2. Pagla Music